
Please support the Eris Arrestees by donating to our legal fund! Our lovely legal team has agreed to represent all of us together for a very low fee... but it's still five figures. Won't you help keep us out of jail?

Eris Parade Videos

NOPD tazing someone who is lying on the ground (but not bothering to arrest them) and also macing photographers

NOPD cussing and knocking the camera out of a brave photographer's hand

A smorgasboard of vicious police misbehavior, with helpful slo-mos and highlights.

And footage of the band and dancers practicing beforehand. This is a beautiful but poignant video-- many of the same musicians in this video would later be attacked by NOPD, have their instruments destroyed, be tazed, arrested, and in some cases beaten so badly that they required hospitalization.

There are more shocking videos to come... stay tuned until the trials are over (if they are ever over). No matter how hardened you are to the grotesque realities of our city's police force, you will be nauseated by what you see.

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